Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Just Loooooove What You Have Done With the Place...

While he was supposed to be sleeping all snug in his bed, with visions of monster trucks driving wrecklessly in his head...
It got awefully quiet and we thought he was sleeping, sure he complained...and then he did a little more singing...but we really thought he was happily making mimi's...
About a couple hours he started making noise again. My husband went into his room to get him up and get a fresh diaper on him. He walks in to find that Captian Destructo had visited our boy's room during Saturday's naptime. Daddy is slightly hurt because, ya know, this was the room we spent dreaming in and planning and working on before little man arrived two years ago. He asks his little boy, "Did you do that?" and monkey answers, "I pull it. I pull it haaaaarrrrrd." How do you keep a smile off your face with an answer like that?
Thank goodness one roll of border was not enough to do the whole room originally, we almost have an entire roll left over...Just not something we really really wanted to re-DO.


  1. oh my god, how can you scold a cutie like that? too fun! i can't wait for my mr. destructo to mature. hee hee

  2. Yes...I can certainly say he is diligent. :)
