Wednesday, February 10, 2010

feeble attempt at a cookie cake

so the tots are at this great age where they enjoy fun, dirty, crafty, messy holiday fun. but this is not about them...even though it was intended to be that way. :)

I have had these foil baking pans for a year, bought them last year on clearance, so yesterday I decided to make a cookie cake with the kids. I was lazy and didn't feel like driving all the way across town to Whole Foods to buy a healthier version of refrigerated cookie dough, so I bought the Pillsbury Simply instead.

I left it out of the fridge for about an hour to get it all soft. the kids were now napping. i plopped the package into the ungreased foil pan, smooshed it all around the bottom and cooked according to package directions.

When it cooled, I iced it with chocolate frosting I picked up at the grocery store too. (I abhore corn syrup and this kind of icing, but it was quick and simple so I bought it.)

Did you know Pillsbury made their frosting in a squirt tube?? It's the same stuff that comes in the tub...only more fun. So now you can fake your baking skills and make pretty cupcakes...and decorate your Valentine cookie well as...ahem *cough cough* :)


  1. How much fun will that be to play with! Now if only they could make it healthy :)

  2. I'm proud of you for making Holiday Memories for your family. Very creative even if you had some help from a tube!
